pErFeCtIOn mEEts tEcNolOgy

Archive for August 24, 2010

Reset the Administrator password in JOOMLA

You are going to need this one day so be sure to file this tip!

The time is going to come when you forget the Administrator password for one of your sites. Or you might be unlucky enough to have your site hacked and the password changed. Now although there is no method to reset the password using Joomla via the web, there are a couple of methods you can try.

Firstly, if you have simply forgotten your username or password, you can have this sent to your email. If you use the registration feature of Joomla, simply go to the “forgotten password” page. Even if you’re not using this feature, you can access the page by adding some code to your web address as follows:

Forgot username: index.php?option=com_user&view=remind

Forgot password: index.php?option=com_user&view=reset

Enter your email address into the box on this page and click the Submit button. Now of course, this only helps when you have access to the appropriate email address.

In most cases, you don’t have access to this address in which case you need to make the change directly in the database. This is relatively easy but a little complicated to explain in an email, so here is a free video at YouTube demonstrating this process.